Продукти за части vdb (2)

Система за управление на мотора D1 - система за управление на мотора drylin® D1 за стъпкови, DC и EC/BLDC мотори

Система за управление на мотора D1 - система за управление на мотора drylin® D1 за стъпкови, DC и EC/BLDC мотори

dryve motor control system - select, click, control... Travel distances, positions, speeds, operating times - easily defined with the new igus® web-based control system for drylin® E linear systems. - No software or app installation necessary, fast commissioning - Control possible via smartphone (browser), tablet or laptop - Simple and intuitive user interface, control system set up in just a few minutes - Compatible with numerous industrial controllers (e.g. Siemens S7/Beckhoff) - For DC, EC and stepper motors - Cost-effective Protection class:IP30 Motor type:Two-phase stepper motor bipolar (ST), direct current motor (DC), electronically commutated motor EC
tvONE MWP-4Hi-1Y CORIOview Multiviewer

tvONE MWP-4Hi-1Y CORIOview Multiviewer

Der CORIOview ist einer der schnellsten und intuitivsten 4K-Multi-Window-Prozessoren für bis zu 8 Quellen. Er ist in sechs Standardausführungen sowie in einer Vielzahl von kundenspezifischen Versionen